Coffee Jones, discouraged, shipped the remaining 300 sheep up the Delaware to Hog Island then made a lottery of his real estate, selling tickets wherever he could. John Ogden drew the tavern property which remained in the hands of his heirs ... The Robinstown school was built in 1812. In 1880, Robert E. Magee came to Port Norris to work in the sail loft owned by James Mulvey. He had learned the sail making trade at the arsenal at Philadelphia making tents for the Army. ... daremansvermeer. brobinstown/b ..breeders of smooth foxterriers&kerry blue terriers. our terriers are bred from some of the best show lines in the here is a sample of our quality terriers/puppies.
the elvis bestate/b does not tolaterate the use of the name elvis unless it is under licence .the joe dolan name is copyrighted and that is that .nobody else has the right to use the joe dolan or its contents at all with out permission . ...